
How to Ban or Unban Players from Your Terraria Server

“Master Terraria server management with our guide on how to ban and unban players. Maintain a positive gaming environment for all.”

Ban or unban players from your Terraria server – a phrase that might seem daunting at first, especially if you’re new to server management. But fear not, this guide is here to help you navigate through the process with ease.

Terraria, a popular sandbox game, offers a unique multiplayer experience where you can create your own world and share it with others. However, managing a server isn’t always smooth sailing. There may be times when you need to ban a player for disruptive behavior or unban a player who has served their time.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to effectively ban or unban players from your Terraria server. Whether you’re a seasoned server owner or a beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to maintain a harmonious environment for your players. So, let’s dive in!

Terraria Server

Terraria is a popular sandbox game that offers a unique multiplayer experience. A crucial part of this experience is the server, which hosts the game world and allows players to connect and interact with each other.

A Terraria server can be hosted on your own computer or through a hosting service. It can be public, allowing anyone to join, or private, where only invited players can participate.

Managing a Terraria server involves various tasks, including setting up the server, configuring settings, managing player interactions, and maintaining the game world. One of the most important aspects of server management is controlling player access, which includes the ability to ban or unban players.

Banning is a necessary tool for server owners. It allows them to remove disruptive players, ensuring a positive gaming environment for everyone. Conversely, unbanning allows server owners to give players a second chance.

Now, we will delve deeper into the process of banning and unbanning players from your Terraria server. Whether you’re a seasoned server owner or a beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to maintain a harmonious environment for your players. So, let’s dive in!

Why Ban or Unban Players?

In the world of Terraria, a server is a bustling hub of activity, with players joining to explore, build, and interact. However, not all interactions are positive. Some players may engage in disruptive behavior, such as griefing, spamming, or harassment. In such cases, the server owner may need to take action to maintain a positive and enjoyable gaming environment. This is where the ability to ban players becomes essential.

Banning a player removes them from the server, preventing them from joining again with the same account. This can be a powerful tool for server owners to control player behavior and maintain a healthy server environment.

On the other hand, unbanning a player allows them to rejoin the server. This can be useful in situations where a player has been banned mistakenly, or if a banned player has appealed their ban and the server owner has decided to give them a second chance.

How to Ban Players from Your Terraria Server

Banning players from your Terraria server is a straightforward process. It’s an essential tool for server owners to maintain a healthy gaming environment.

To ban a player, you need to use the ban command followed by the player’s name. This command can be entered into the console page on your server’s control panel. Once the command is executed, the player will be banned and will see a message indicating their ban when they attempt to connect to the server.

It’s important to note that the player you wish to ban must be online when you execute the ban command. Once a player is banned, they will be unable to connect to your server using any character.

If you’re using TShock, there are two ways to ban users: temporarily and permanently. To ban a player permanently, you can use the command /ban add <username> <reason>, replacing <username> with the player’s username and <reason> with the reason for the ban. If you know the player’s IP, you can use the command /ban addip <IP Address> to ban them by their IP.

To ban a player temporarily, you can use the command ban addtemp <name> <time> <reason>, replacing <name> with the player’s name, <time> with the duration of the ban, and <reason> with the reason for the ban.

How to Unban Players from Your Terraria Server

Unbanning players from your Terraria server is just as important as knowing how to ban them. It allows server owners to give players a second chance or correct any mistakes made during the banning process.

Unlike banning, there is no command to unban a player from the server. To unban a player, you’ll need to remove them from the banlist.txt file. This file is normally located in the Terraria folder.

You can find this file in the “File Manager” section of your server control panel. Select the file and click the Edit button. Inside the file, you’ll see two lines for each player you’ve banned. The first line is their username, and the second is their IP address.

To unban a player, simply remove both lines associated with the player from the banlist.txt file. After removing them from the file, remember to hit the Save button. Then, you’ll need to restart the server for the change to apply, and that player will be unbanned!

Best Practices for Server Management

Managing a Terraria server involves more than just knowing how to ban and unban players. It’s about creating a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.

One of the best practices for server management is to use server commands to adjust difficulty, spawn rates, time acceleration, and more. This allows you to tailor the gaming experience to suit your players’ preferences.

Using a dedicated server for hosting your Terraria game sessions comes with a range of benefits. It provides optimal performance, minimal latency, and uninterrupted gameplay by allocating exclusive resources to the server. With dedicated Terraria server hosting, players can create their own persistent multiplayer worlds, invite friends to join, and customize various server settings.

Another best practice is to foster a sense of community by inviting friends or other players to join your server and collaborate on exciting Terraria adventures. This not only enhances the overall Terraria gaming experience but also helps in building a strong and active player community.

Remember, a well-managed server is key to a successful and enjoyable Terraria gaming experience.


How do I unban a player from my server? 

To unban a player from your server, you need to remove their name or IP address from the ban list. This can usually be done through the server control panel or directly in the server’s configuration files.

How do I kick someone out of my Terraria server?

To kick a player from your Terraria server, you can use the /kick [playername] command in the server console. Replace [playername] with the name of the player you wish to kick.

How do you ban players in Terraria? 

To ban a player in Terraria, you can use the /ban [playername] command in the server console. Replace [playername] with the name of the player you wish to ban.

How do you kick people from your world in Terraria? 

Kicking players from your world in Terraria is similar to kicking them from a server. Use the /kick [playername] command in the server console.

Can you unban yourself from a server? 

No, you cannot unban yourself from a server. Only the server owner or an administrator with the appropriate permissions can unban a player.

How do I unban someone from my Aternos server? 

To unban someone from your Aternos server, go to the “Players” page on your server dashboard, find the player’s name, and click the “Unban” button.

What is the max player in Terraria? 

The maximum number of players that can join a Terraria server depends on the server’s configuration. However, the default maximum for most servers is 8 players.

How do I permanently host a Terraria server? 

To permanently host a Terraria server, you’ll need a dedicated machine that can run the server software 24/7. You can use your own computer, rent a server, or use a hosting service.

What is a server IP in Terraria? 

A server IP in Terraria is the address that players use to connect to your server. It’s like the server’s “address” on the internet. You can find your server IP in your server settings or control panel.


Managing a Terraria server is a rewarding experience that allows you to create a unique gaming environment for your players. Knowing how to ban and unban players is a crucial part of this process, allowing you to maintain a positive and enjoyable gaming environment.

Remember, banning and unbanning should always be done responsibly and fairly. Always ensure that your actions are justified and consider the impact on your players.

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